Analyze every run and improve your training.

Session Explorer
Fast access to all your runs! Easily see which sessions have power bests or segment / effort bests. Quick filtering, navigate to any session based on year, month, and run date / name.

Session Summary
A crisp and concise summary of critical run statistics, key metrics, time in zone, advanced power metrics, balance metrics, simplified route map, and time-based bests for power, effective power, pace, grade adjusted pace, step rate, heart rate, biomechanics, and running dynamics.
Session Charts
Use the session charts to investigate and inspect sessions in detail, each chart is crafted for specific insights and / or highlights a specific analysis or trend.

Search Sessions
Use Chapeau’s filtering capabilities to search your entire history based on run statistics as well as time-based statistics.
Monthly Summary
The Monthly Summary provides insights into the month (and previous months) across a wide variety of metrics and statistics. A great way to compare year over year (e.g. power bests) and to see the ranges of efforts within the month.

Session Calendar
A calendar view for training, see weekly summary for distance, load, energy, and more. Use the calendar to navigate, open summaries, and view athlete journal metrics.

Segment / Effort History
All your segment or effort attempts in one simple view. Rankings and full summary statistics for each segment and effort attempt.

Segment / Effort Comparison
Detailed analysis of multiple segment or effort attempts, select attempts based on power, pace, time, etc. Choose specific attempts or focus on recent attempts or best attempts. Compare attempts based on pace, VAM, power, effective power, and heart rate.
Overall Charts
Overall charts look across the entire session history and provide insights into the cumulative effects of training through comparison and trending analyses.

Database Details
Tabular summary of key metrics by year or month for running sessions.

Equipment Tracking
Add shoes to the database and assign a pair to any session.

Athlete Journal
Use the Athlete Journal to include your weight, ftp, max heart rate, resting heart rate, critical power and more for any date. Bulk Load / Export metrics. Chapeau utilizes the athlete metrics to enhance charts and calculations.